A Perfect Learning Space


We’re excited to announce a new series here at Yoobi! We are calling it Yoobi @ home, where each week we outline simple tips and tricks around a specific category that are easy to recreate at home! We will be posting weekly vlogs to our social platforms that will outline these steps and also provide a visual of what those steps could look like. Check out our first vlog on our YouTube channel HERE.

Today’s topic is figuring out how to create that perfect learning space at home. Now that school is back in session; or about to be for many of us, we find ourselves scrambling to find that perfect area within our homes to make sure our children can get the most out of their distance learning experience. Wait, who are we kidding? This isn’t just for kids, many of us adults are also struggling to make our work from home experience as enjoyable as possible. No desk? No problem! We’ve got you covered! Follow these quick and easy steps to create that perfect learning space!

Step 1: A Quiet Zone

We are all unique to our home layouts but one thing that is universal is finding a quiet zone within your home.

 Step two: Declutter

After designating a space for learning, focus on removing distractions. Remember, less is more.

Step three: Easy Accessibility

Organization is key! Having all the tools you need in close proximity will empower you or your child to succeed.

Step four: Keep calm and add a plant!

It is scientifically proven that adding plants to one’s workspace reduces stress levels within our bodies and for added measure, place a humidifier nearby. Add in lavender or peppermint essential oils both of which are thought to be calming and energizing to help nourish those brain cells!

As we all know that everyone has their own unique ways in which to create that perfect learning space at home. To help us design that space we asked our Yoobi Brand Ambassador Sharnique Washington AKA @thatdopemom (who is also a mom of three) to share her advice on how to create a perfect back to learning space for her kiddos.

The three biggest takeaways from her are to make sure you have the following:

  1. Good lighting
  2. Flexible seating options
  3. Dedicated space for school supplies

That concludes our Yoobi @ home – A perfect learning space! Now, it’s YOUR turn to put these ideas to use and show us what works best for your needs. Be sure to tag us on social @yoobi and #yoobiathome so we can share your ideas with everyone!