Make Holiday Gift Tags From Recycled Cards

Make Holiday Gift Tags From Recycled Cards

Every year, we get holiday cards from the ones we love. Sometimes they seem to pile up and we don’t know where to put them! Though we cherish the cards and the love that went into the gesture, sometimes it is hard to keep them for very long without feeling cluttered. At Yoobi we believe in the awesome power of reusing and recycling. This holi-day season, take last year’s cards and turn them into something completely different: holiday gift tags! With gift tags made from recycled materials, you’ll be saving the environment and showing off your creative talents. Put your prettiest cards from past years to great use with these simple tips.

What You’ll Need:

  • Old Holiday Cards
  • Scissors
  • Colored Pencils, Multi Color Marker Pens or Crayons
  • Tape
  • Glue
  • Ribbon or string

What To Do:
Gather your old holiday cards and cut them into any shapes that you like. Rectangles, circles or hearts would all be perfect (just make sure to leave room to sign and address on each gift tag on the reverse). Also consider cutting them into holiday shapes, like snowmen, holiday trees, or a gingerbread cookies. (Top tip – you can even use a cookie cutter to draw around for your shapes!). For a more traditional gift tag, cut the tag into the shape of a house, and cut the tip of the triangular roof off to give it a softer edge. Your tags should look colorful and festive enough already! Feel free to put stickers or drawings on the tags as well. This is your holiday project, so get as creative as you like!

Use your Yoobi glue or tape and stick the tag onto your wrapped gift. A bit of colorful holiday ribbon or string would also be a perfect and simple finishing touch. You’ll be bringing some holiday cheer in no time. With these gift tags, you’re adding a unique and creative look to your thoughtful gift. It’s a very easy way to stay festive without a huge load of effort. You don’t need to throw away your old holiday cards anymore (or keep them in a drawer collecting dust). This is a great way to free up clutter and show people that you are thinking of them this holiday season. Start coloring and designing and let your imagination run free this winter!

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