Boo! Pumpkin DIY

Boo! Pumpkin DIY

Who said carving a pumpkin was the only way to get it Halloween-ready? Coming in hot, we've got a fun new way to spice up holiday crafts this season. 

What you'll need:

1) Sidewalk Paint Jars

2) Liquid Glue

3) Glitter Shakers

4) Push Pins

Step 1: Pick out the perfect pumpkin (duh!) 

Step 2: Pick out your favorite shade of Sidewalk paint and get brushing! (After you've painted on your first layer, let it dry completely and then paint on another.) 

Step 3: Coat on a layer liquid glue to the pumpkin stem. Pick out your glitter shaker color of choice and sprinkle it onto the stem as directly as possible. 

Step 4: Lightly draw your creative onto the Pumpkin with a pencil. (Unless your feeling spontaneous, than skip to step 5) 

Step 5: Using the push pins, begin to decorate your pumpkin. Then... Voila! 

Your pumpkin is officially Halloween ready! 

You might also like:

- Star Shaped Glitter

- Glitter Glue

- Metal Pin Pack

- Character Sticker Set

Make sure you share your creations with us on instagram @Yoobi and hashtag #howiYoobi

Happy crafting!


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