Yoobi Activities: Make Your Own Puzzle

Yoobi Activities: Make Your Own Puzzle

Make Your Own Puzzle

Getting creative with Yoobi!

April showers bring May Flowers… and excuses to find creative ways to color your world! After a long winter, it’s easy to get bored of generic arts and craft ideas. Especially if you’ve endured the snow and cold out East! We have an idea that is sure to brighten up arts and crafts time in your classroom! Your students can make their own puzzles. Using this template – your students can design their own puzzle with any picture or message they want! Just print, color, paste, cut, and create!

For younger students we recommend collecting the puzzles and creating photocopies before having your students paste their designs on cardstock and cut the pieces. Photocopies can then be passed out with their respective pieces to serve as a reference image for students putting them together. Encourage collaboration and teamwork by having students break into small groups to create a puzzle for the class! It’s always fun to see what creative ideas come from student collaboration!

Share your students’ creations with us by tagging @Yoobi on Instagram or using #YoobiCreative on your preferred social media platform!

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