10 Study Habits to Help You Ace Your Exams
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “study smarter, not harder”? With exams just around the corner, every second of the day counts towards acing your next exam. No more cramming one semester’s worth of notes into one night. Instead, practice these study habits to improve and maximize what’s left of the school year!
Aside from the daily habits you started at the beginning of the year, curating study habits is just as important. Not only do you want to memorize the material but you also want to be able to understand it. Figure out how you learn best and apply this towards making the effort to form new productive habits.
Here is a helpful list of 10 study habits so you can come out on top this semester!
1. Study Groups
Grab your study buddies and form a group! Late-night studying doesn’t have to be lonely when cramming for an exam. Studying in groups helps you review the subject and refresh any notes you may have missed during the lecture!2. Chew Gum
We know teachers hate when their students are chewing gum, but what if it helps to improve concentration and relieve stress? The physical motion of chewing helps keep you alert and focused so that you can continue for one more chapter. It also helps kick your late-night snack cravings to the curb.3. Study Cards
Index cards are easily the go-to study aid, especially when there’s a seemingly endless list of terms to memorize. Make your own study cards or use Quizlet to engage in some learning games!4. Talk it Out
Memorizing is hard, especially on subjects that require formulas or historic facts. By reciting formulas, notes, or terminologies out loud will help your brain process what you’re memorizing more effectively. Depending on the subject you’re studying, you can also apply information to real-life scenarios and act it out.5. Review Notes
Did you know reviewing your notes can increase the amount of information your brain retains? Studies have shown that about 75% of the material is recalled after reviewing notes following the lecture. So, instead of setting aside your notes for the next class, taking five minutes out of your day to review the chapters that were just covered will benefit you in the long run.6. Drink, Eat, Rest Up!
Your brain is a muscle that is fueled by the nutrition you put into your body. Lack of self-care or malnutrition will not allow your brain to function properly to perform day-to-day activities, much less studying! Drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep, so your mind and body is well-rested for the exam.7. Location is Key
Spring’s feel-good weather makes anyone want to be outside. Catch up on some rays of sun by taking your studying outside! Find a cute local coffee-shop or even just lay out a blanket in your own backyard.8. Limit Social Media Usage
We are all guilty of taking a ‘break’ but end up scrolling through Instagram for an hour. Don’t let your phone be your studying kryptonite. Instead, download apps that limit your time on social media and improve your time management.9. Color Code EVERYTHING!
Kick up your usual study habits by adding some extra color into your notes. From highlighters to sticky notes, adding color is the perfect visual aid to help your brain memorize every single detail.10. Plan it Out
If your planner isn’t your BFF already, it will be now. Jot down all the due dates for your exams and essays so you can prioritize more efficiently. Make use of our new undated planner that you can utilize at any time throughout the year without feeling guilty for skipping months.