Meet the Principal: Doug Daugherty

Meet the Principal: Doug Daugherty

We met Mr. Daugherty when we delivered Yoobi Classroom Packs to Norton Park Elementary School this fall! His passion for education and bettering the lives of his students was contagious and truly inspiring!

Roll Call

Meet Mr. Daugherty, principal at Norton Park Elementary School in Smyrna, GA.



We Asked Mr. Daugherty…

What grades are represented at your school?

We are a K-5 elementary school with a couple Special Needs Pre-K units.


How long have you been a principal?

This will by my 8th year as a principal, and it’s all been at Norton Park Elementary School.


What inspired you to pursue a career in education?

I always worked very well with children. People always said that I should be in a role that allows me to influence children. When you hear it long enough, you start to believe you have strength in that area. People encouraged me to take on roles in afterschool programs and coaching, which led me to where I am today.


Who was the most influential teacher or administrator in your life, and why?

My 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Vannest. She ended up being National Teacher of the Year back then. Anyone fortunate enough to spend time with someone of that caliber is bound to have his or her life impacted. She cared more than anyone would expect a teacher to care about her students, both professionally and personally. She taught you the things that weren’t in the curriculum – how to overcome tragedy, overcome barriers in life- amazing lady.


Does having access to school supplies really make a difference in the classrooms at your school, and to kids? If so, how? 

It does, absolutely. There are so many communities and pockets of communities with wonderful families and wonderful kids that socioeconomically don’t have a lot. On the spectrum of trying to get their needs met from a family perspective, supplies aren’t even on the radar for these families. They need to work, pay the bills, and focus on the necessities of life for their kids. To have someone like Yoobi come in and take this piece off the families’ plate is extremely powerful. The vibrant color of the products just adds to it, it’s exciting for the kids – motivating and inspiring.


What do your students think about the One for You, One for Me idea? 

They love it. They can really get on board with it because it feeds right into life lessons we try to teach our students. Give and share, if you are blessed enough to have, be blessed enough to give. It’s more than a business model; It’s a wonderful life lesson. It’s wonderful to be able to present that to kids at such a young age. They’re benefitting by receiving the product while learning a lesson in character.


Want to be featured in our next “Meet the Teacher” spotlight? Send us your story at with “Meet the Teacher” in the subject line!

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