5 Best Lists to Make this Summer
Congratulations, you made it through! Take a moment to appreciate all the hard work and energy you put into your classroom. The lesson planning, the lunch breaks you spent making copies, the endless report cards. And now, it’s officially Summer, and you deserve nothing more than to sit in some sunshine and relax. But, before you do, bring yourself a little extra peace of mind and make these final lists while the school year and your classroom are still fresh in your memory. With help from Yoobi’s resident teacher, Paloma Baltazar, here are 5 lists you need to make before diving into summer.
Grab your planner and browse through your lesson plans. Reflect, then make a list dividing your lessons into two categories, “Amazing lesson, definitely teaching it again!” and “Challenging lesson, needs improvement.” Do not scrap your challenging lessons. Consider what went wrong, and what you can do to make them better next year.
Take inventory of your classroom supplies, pencils, crayons, scissors, books, etc. Make a list detailing condition, and quantity of classroom essentials. Think about what will need to be replaced and what won’t. You’ll thank yourself later when you’ve come across a killer summer sale and are wondering whether you need a new set of scissors or not.
Next Year’s Wish List
Not every day goes as planned. Sometimes there is a surprise fire drill and you don’t get to start the super fun project you planned for. Other days, your students finish projects much sooner than anticipated, and you’re left scrambling for a filler activity. Make a list of wish list extras you would like to try with your class next year. This list can include projects or assignments you didn’t get to this year but wish you had. This list will be beneficial to you in two ways. It will help you prioritize projects you KNOW you want to get to, and it will also serve as a reminder of fun things to do if you happen to have spare time.
Studies show a strong link between gratitude and overall well-being. Teacher burn-out is a very real thing. After an especially difficult year, it can be hard to imagine yourself doing it all over again. Create a list that focuses on all the positive moments throughout the school year that you are grateful to have experienced. If you’re feeling anxious over summer about returning, use your list as a reminder for all the incredibly valuable reasons you go back to teaching year after year.
Take summer as an opportunity to recharge. Your students deserve the best version of you, and that starts with taking care of yourself. What were all the things you wanted to do for yourself throughout the school year that you didn’t get a chance to do? Create a summer bucket list for yourself. Here, I will start you off…
- Read a book for fun!
- Sleep in
- Eat something delicious
About Paloma Baltazar, Yoobi’s resident teacher:
Paloma studied Psychology and Education at UC Davis, going on to earn her Master’s in Education and her Teaching Credential from UCLA. Paloma has spent time working with children as a 1st and 2nd grade lead teacher, camp counselor, teacher’s assistant, and nanny. She feels passionate about positive classroom communities, learning through exploration, and fostering creativity. Today, she supports Yoobi in gaining a teacher’s perspective.