5 Tips for Creating Your 2018 Vision Board
Recently, Yoobi attended the annual Super Mamas Vision Board Posada! This posada invites the popular podcast’s fans to come and create their 2018 vision boards. 60 attendees and 15 social influencers came to the Posada, hosted at Munchkin HQ, to create their dream vision board using only Yoobi supplies! Women shared their stories about what they wanted to do in 2018 and left feeling inspired and energized to make their vision boards come to life.
Now we want to inspire you to create your very own 2018 visions boards! With Yoobi supplies on-hand, there's a copious amount of ways to create effective and inspiring visuals. Here are some tried-and-true Yoobi tips, just for you!
Tip #1
Look for feel-good pictures to create a positive vision for the new year. Grab a pair of Yoobi scissors and some of your favorite magazines, and get to cuttin'! Your favorite Pinterest pins are also great vision board accessories -- all you need is a printer and a glue stick!
Tip #2
Consider what you want to use to hold your imagery. The standard is a poster board, but don't let that stop you! A corkboard or a magnetic whiteboard works just as well -- the only difference is what you use to mount your images. Glue, push pins, magnets, oh my!
Tip #3
Be clear on what you're visualizing for 2018. Is it time for college applications next year? Aiming for a fantastic school year? Do you have your eye on a particular sports team at school next year? Look for images and inspirational messages, even take your own photos, that apply to your 2018 goals to stay on track.
Tip #4
Make sure the vision board screams YOU. Don't be too concerned about sticking with a theme -- or theme it out if that's what you're into! Whichever way you design your vision board, be sure you're happy with it and that YOU love it.
Tip #5
HAVE FUN! Being creative is all about enjoying your time just being yourself. Cut, paste, and visualize away!