Yoobi Impacts The Lives of 1 Million Kids

Yoobi Impacts The Lives of 1 Million Kids

Yoobi has donated enough school supplies to impact the lives of over 1 Million kids… and we’re just getting started.

A note from our Chief Giving Officer: 

When we first sat down and talked about building a company that would help solve the problem of access to essential learning supplies for kids in need, never did we imagine we would have impacted the lives of over 1,000,000 kids in a little more than a year. But that’s exactly what we did – or more correctly stated, that’s what we did together, with you! Prior to the summer of 2014, no one had ever heard of Yoobi and we had never sold an item. At the same time, teachers across the U.S. were spending close to $500 per class per year out of pocket, on basic learning supplies like glue, pencils, crayons and markers for their students.

With Yoobi, our goal is to reshape the way a pencil becomes more than a pencil when buying one ensures that another child receives one. A notebook becomes more than a notebook when its colors inspire a child to write, draw and create. And when a consumer chooses to buy something that directly gives back to a community in need, they become much more than a shopper, they become a change-maker. Today, just over a year after our launch at Target, and together with millions of every day people wanting to make a difference, Yoobi has created a nation of change-makers who have had a DIRECT IMPACT on tens of thousands of classrooms and teachers, and as of last week, over 1,000,000 kids, right here in the U.S.

Now, 1,000,000 is a big number, so it’s worth remembering that every single student that is a part of that number, has a name, a story, has a hope and a dream. Kids like Lizbeth in Washington State, who is blind, but refused to be separated from her normal class just because she couldn’t see; or Trevon from Westchester, California, who, following difficulties at home, took it upon himself to take a train and two busses (a 6 hour journey from his grandparents) to make it to school just to give his final class presentation. To all the Trevons and Lizbeths out there, you are our inspiration. And to all the teachers out there who back those supplies up with their heart and soul, you are too! You are why we do what we do. And until access to proper learning supplies is a right, and not a privilege, we at Yoobi will do everything we can to make sure you and others like you, go to school with the tools, support, love and confidence you need to be whatever it is that you dream of. That is the Yoobi promise. That is how we build our Yoobi family.

Make today a good day to give.
Justin Wolff
Chief Giving Officer

Our Impact Statement


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