Meet Our Partner: Starlight Children’s Foundation
Last year, Yoobi teamed up with Starlight Children's Foundation to support children who, for medical reasons, are unable to be in school. At Yoobi, one of our guiding principals is that we want to place school supplies where they’ll make the biggest difference and have the greatest impact. In 2014, we met Starlight Children’s Foundation and began learning about the amazing work they were doing with hospitalized kids and their families. At that point, we knew that if ever there were kids who could benefit from fun supplies to brighten their day, it was the kids that Starlight Children’s Foundation supports.
Starlight Children’s Foundation funds critical needs expressed by more than 600 hospitals, specialty clinics and camps, respite houses and hospices in the United States and Puerto Rico that collectively support more than 27 million pediatric visits every year. Starlight supports the physical and emotional health of children in hospitals as well as their families during their time in hospital.
Many pediatric patients experience frequent, recurring or long-term hospital stays which makes it difficult for kids to keep up with their school work. Yoobi helps fix that. Since 2014, Starlight and Yoobi have partnered to ensure the continued learning, creativity and education of more than 30,000 hospitalized kids nationwide.
Hospital classrooms sometimes feel stark and lackluster. “Yoobi has helped us bring vibrancy and color into the classroom for pediatric patients,” says Jacquie Hart, Global CEO of Starlight Children’s Foundation. Michael Maher, Los Angeles Unified School District Teacher at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles echoes this sentiment, “…receiving Yoobi supplies [feels] like Dorothy stepping into the Land of Oz…”.
Starlight supports kids and families in 11 countries and territories in a growing global network. To learn more about Starlight and their awesome mission, we invite you to visit www.starlight.org.