Yoobi Retail’s First Localized Give Event
While 5:30 AM is not typically the ideal wake up time, this morning we sprung out of bed with an enthusiasm that’s almost crazy for that early in the morning. We threw on our blue Yoobi t-shirts and ran out the door to head to the Jackson Magnet STEM Dual Language Academy.
On August 24, team Yoobi made the 45-minute trek from headquarters to Jackson STEM Magnet Dual Language Academy, a school where 90% of the students are enrolled in the National Free or Reduced Lunch program. It was such a good day to give.
This give was special – this was the first give that was fueled solely by the success of our retail store. No matter where you buy Yoobi, we give to classrooms in need. But at our retail store, for every Yoobi item purchased, Yoobi gives to a local classroom in need within a 10 mile radius of the Santa Anita mall in Arcadia, CA. And today, the 600 kids at Jackson Magnet STEM Dual Language Academy were the first lucky recipients!
We set up all the Yoobi Classroom Packs in a pyramid on the stage to get ready for the assembly. We interacted with Mrs. Exposito, the principal at Jackson Magnet STEM Dual Language Academy, and lots of other faculty and staff while we were setting up. Everyone was so excited for the giving to begin – especially the retail team who came to help with our give event and see in person how the items they sell in the mall go to kids in need around their store.
We brought all of the students together in the school for two different assemblies to announce the good news. Our Co-founder/CEO, Ido Leffler and our Chief Giving Officer, Justin Wolff, took turns in each assembly announcing the incredible news to the students at Jackson Magnet STEM Dual Language Academy. Paired with the excitement of a new school year and the surprise of free school supplies for every single student at the school, the atmosphere was electrifying – students could hardly stay in their seats.
Co-founder/CEO Ido Leffler getting students excited about the Yoobi goodies they are about to receive!
After the assemblies, the Yoobi team went to each classroom at Jackson Magnet STEM Dual Language Academy and delivered Yoobi Classroom Packs to every teacher, from kindergarten to fifth grade. Each Classroom Pack contains enough school supplies for 30 kids. The excitement on the kids faces when they were about to tear open the box, watching them organize their new school supplies into their new pencil pouches and color their Yoobi toucan with so much concentration and joy – it’s the reason that we all work at a company like Yoobi.