Meet the Teacher: Kayla Beesley

Meet the Teacher: Kayla Beesley

Roll Call!

Meet Kayla Beesley, teacher at Mann Elementary School Tacoma, Washington.


We asked Kayla...

What grade do you teach?

I teach third grade!

How long have you been teaching?

This is my fourth year teaching.

What inspired you to pursue a career in education?

A love for seeing children grow into happy and intelligent individuals and knowing that each child I have the pleasure of educating can and will make a great difference in our world.

Who was the most influential teacher or administrator in your life, and why?

My 6th grade science teacher Mrs. Owens was very influential. She made learning fun, and truly cared about her students. She was the teacher that students felt comfortable around and could trust. It is super important for students, especially at a young age, to feel that they can trust their teachers!

Do you spend money out of your own pocket on core school supplies for your students? Would you mind sharing how much on average?

Yes, I buy school supplies every year! I probably spend about 500 dollars throughout the year on supplies for my classroom. It's a lot, but worth it, if it means my kids succeed!  

Does having access to school supplies really make a difference in the classrooms at your school, and to kids? If so, how? 

Yes! It allows me as the teacher to give my students everything that they need so they can be the best that they can be. Not every family is able to provide what they would like to for their students. Being able to fill in those gaps allows students to be successful and do their best work.

What do your students think about the One for You, One for Me idea? 

My students think that it is a great way to help our community. We spend a great deal of our time in our classroom talking about “community” and how we are all in this world together. Helping others empowers my students and lets them know that even as 3rd graders they can make a difference in this world.

How will you use this idea/ lesson in your classroom?

Helping others is a daily lesson for our class. We learn that you help others not because of what you get in return, but because you are able to help. In our classroom family we strive to act as leaders in our school by helping others. The “One for You, One for Me” idea helps my student to know that giving back to the community is always the right thing to do!

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