Meet the Principal: Jason Rose
Roll Call!
Meet Jason Rose, principal at LaRosa Elementary School in Temple City, CA.
What grades are represented at your school?
La Rosa Elementary School serves students in grades K-3, in addition to Transitional Kindergarten and Preschool.
How long have you been a principal?
This will be my second year as principal of La Rosa.
What inspired you to pursue a career in education?
I have always enjoyed working with children. I have always wanted to be a positive role model for children and to try to inspire them to reach their dreams.
Who was the most influential teacher or administrator in your life, and why?
I have been fortunate enough to have been taught by many good teachers and serve as a teacher under many good administrators during my career. However, the teacher who comes to mind was my 8th grade English teach, Mrs. Robinson. She challenged me to be better each and every day in the classroom and that work ethic carried over into my professional career.
Does having access to school supplies really make a difference in the classrooms at your school, and to kids? If so, how?
It definitely makes a difference. A big part of success is believing you belong, and to believe you belong you need the necessary tools. Unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons, some students are not equipped with the necessary school supplies and it makes the challenge of academic success that much tougher. We, at La Rosa strive to make sure each child has the necessities in order to give them the best chance at achieving academic success.
What do your students think about the One for You, One for Me idea?
The students, and staff, love the idea. The act of helping others aligns with the character traits we promote at La Rosa. The opportunity to help community members better themselves is a powerful teachable moment.
How will you use this idea/lesson for your student body?
We want to take this concept and challenge our kids to think of how their actions can benefit others.