Arts & Craft Activities That Are Also Educational!
Pizza Fractions
Practicing your fractions just got a lot more fun!What you’ll need:
- Paper plate
- Markers
- Scissors
Step 1: Cheese, please. Grab a paper plate and color in the “cheese” of your pizza. Use the rimmed edge of the plate as the crust!
Step 2: Get creative! Draw on your favorite toppings. If you want to get fancy, take some construction paper and cut out some easy topping shapes for a 3D look.
Step 3: Slice it up. Cut the pie into slices that can be turned into moveable fractions! Take them apart and put them back together to show that no matter how you slice it, the fractions make one yummy pizza.
Memory Game
This homemade memory game is fun for the whole family. Personalize the cards with your favorite Yoobi stickers or stamps!
What you’ll need:
- Cardboard or an empty cereal box
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- 2 identical Yoobi sticker packs
Step 1: Make your game board. Start with a flat surface. Cut out your cereal box or cardboard to the same size as your construction paper.
Step 2: Get sticky! Glue the paper onto the cardboard and let it dry.
Step 3: Pick your stickers. Outline a 3 by 4 square grid. Put on 6 pairs of matching stickers to fill the grid.
Step 4: Cut them out. Cut out your squares and start matching!
Sunshine Stats
Bring the Spring sunshine indoors with this interactive math craft! Play around with addition, subtraction and multiplication in this fun and colorful practice set.
What you’ll need:
- Cardstock paper
- Yellow paint
- Clothespins
- Dark colored marker
Step 1: Here comes the sun! Cut out circles from your cardstock. For an easy outline, use the rim of a cup!
Step 2: Add the numbers. If you’re a beginner, label your suns with numbers less than 20. If you’re a seasoned pro, take them up as high as you’d like!
Step 3: Rays of repetition. Write out the beginnings of the equations on your clothespin rays. Make sure that they equal the numbers on the circles and plan to make 5 rays per sun!