April Brand Ambassador @ivypinkmade

April Brand Ambassador @ivypinkmade

Meet our April brand Ambassador, Ivy Pink! if you have been following us the past couple of months then she might already be a little familiar to you. Ivy is the QUEEN of crafting, she continues to wow us over at yoobi with all the fun crafts that she comes up with!


Ivy is a crafting expert and creates gifts and unique party decorations! We asked Ivy some questions about her crafting experience and life as a mom. 

IvyPink Family 

  1. What got you into crafting/DIY? I’ve always crafted but I got into it more once I had kids and wanted to make a lot of custom things for birthdays and holiday.
  2. Who are your biggest motivators and inspirations? My biggest motivation is definitely my family. They are also my inspiration. My husband is very supportive in whatever I delve into. He inspires me to believe more in myself and his belief in me is a huge motivating factor.
  3. Have you picked up any new crafting skills over the past year? The newest craft I’ve tried is resin crafts which is so fun. There's so many different things you can make and materials to use with it. It’s been so fun experimenting!
  4. What is your favorite part about being a mom? My favorite part about being a mom is experiencing small moments and watching my kids eyes light up when they experience something new. I love to see them discover the world around them and share in their excitement for things I take for granted.
  5.  Are there any crafts you have done with your kids? So so many kids crafts. We love perler beads, painting and lots of paper/sticker crafts.

These bright Yoobi products help keep the crafting going for Ivy!

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