Happy Home Office – 5 Ways to Organize Your Office Space
From the desk of Vanessa, Yoobi’s Marketing Associate
I don’t know about you, but when my home office space is de-cluttered, color coordinated, and ultra-organized, I work SO much more efficiently. Lucky for you and me, Yoobi has all the tools we need to make this happen right there in your home office, PLUS those same tools give back to kids in need! These are some of my faves…
- Letter Tray Desk Set: For all the stray papers, documents, bills and receipts that never seem to find a happy home, Yoobi’s desk organizer will give your space a nice pop of color and some peace of mind that all your papers are in one place. Plus, you can get your desktop accessories organized once and for all! Get it in green or pink!
- Stapler, Scissors, and Tape Dispensers: Speaking of desktop organization - color coordination is pleasant on the eye and good for making your desk look even more put together! Make everything match and get a pair of matching scissors, staplers, and tape dispensers to round out your desk!
- Sticky Note Dispenser: How much room do you need to make a note? YOU decide! The sticky note dispenser gives you complete control over how much room you’ll need to jot down a note.
- Paperclip Push Pin Set: Perfect for stacking, piecing together, or just lying side-by-side, this handy little kit comes in handy every single day when organizing and planning!
- Gel Pens: These are my GO-TO writing utensil every single day. Whether I’m writing in my planner, checking off my to-do list, and brainstorming a project, I just HAVE to have my gel pens to keep things bright, fun, and
- color-coordinated.