Help Students Make Friends With DIY Friendship Bracelets
National Make a Friend Day is observed on February 11th annually. Since we started, Yoobi has advocated not only the importance of giving back but the value of being kind and making friends with others. It’s important for all kids to have friends and to build a foundation in which they can fall back on for support as they progress into adulthood. Paul Schwartz, Professor of Psychology and Child Behavior Expert, explains how friends have a “powerful influencer on a child’s positive and negative school performance” and may also help “discourage negative behaviors” from life stresses or bullying.
We are conscious of the fact that while making a friend comes naturally to some kids, it may be incredibly difficult for others. With the guidance of amazing teachers like you, encouraging healthy socialization amongst your kids will help them feel more comfortable making new friends. There’s no better time to encourage new friendships than on National Make a Friend Day!
Print our latest Classroom Activity Sheet and have your students coloring, cutting and giving friendship bracelets to new classroom friends.