How To Get Your Kids Unplugged And Outside This Summer
Wondering how in the world you're going to peel your little tykes off their iPads and away from the TV screens this summer? The ultimate incentive is right at your fingertips - chalk (that gives back)!
Sure - Candy Crush and Minecraft are fun for a while, but there's no better way for the kids to express themselves and soak up some Vitamin D than when the entire driveway or cul-de-sac is their canvas!
If they're more the structured type, make sure they have some stencils to help guide them. Our manadla sets make for large-scale chalk guidance, while our 10 pack gives you a variety - from peace signs to balloons to smiley faces!
Sometimes though, they'll let their imaginations run wild and there's no guidance needed.
Any way you spin it, chalk is the best way to get kids outside and unplugged when the weather is nice. Plus, with Yoobi Chalk, you can teach them an important lesson in giving - for every Yoobi item purchased, a Yoobi item is donated to a classroom in need right here in the U.S. It's the simplest way to give back this summer - especially with back-to-school around the corner when kids need supplies most!!