Let's make a difference!
Let's Celebrate Make a Difference Day!
Here at Yoobi we know what it means to make a difference and we are here to tell you that YOU can too! Whether it's donating to your local charity or helping your elderly neighbor mow their lawn. Everyone can make some sort of difference in their community, big or small we all have opportunities every day to change the world around us!
We know first hand how much of an impact a group of people or even just one person can make within the world or local communities. Make a difference Day was established to help encourage us to take one day a year to try to make a difference in the world.
What is Make a Difference Day?
Make a Difference Day was created in order to highlight the mindset that we can all come together and help people who need it the most. This includes everyone from the homeless to the elderly to even the planet. Simply volunteering at your local park or beach to pick up trash that has been left behind is a great way to make a difference in your local community. Small deeds also never go unseen, checking in on the elderly will impact their lives greatly.
Instinctually, we can easily assume that we are too small as individuals to create a positive impact within the world around us. However, this mindset could not be further from the truth. After all, if we all do one small thing, collectively, it can make a massive difference!
How to celebrate Make A Difference Day
There are an infinite ways to celebrate Make a Difference Day, you can help your sibling with their homework, volunteer at your child's school, or drop off food/blankets at your local shelters just to name a few! Whatever it is you decide to do, just remember that no good deed goes unnoticed!
Here at Yoobi, we partner with Kids in Need Foundation to help kids by providing the necessary supplies for school.The Kids In Need Foundation works to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need.
With KINF's incredible resources and amazing partnership, we distribute Yoobi Classroom Packs to elementary schools across the U.S.