June Brand Ambassador

June Brand Ambassador

June Brand Ambassador Blog

The Yoobi blog is back this month with our June brand ambassador highlight!

Meet Danielle! Danielle is a stay-at-home mom of four with a blog on all things crafting, recipes, and life. She has 37,600 followers on instagram and uses her platform to share laughs, fun, and her recent crafts with her two sons and two daughters. Keep scrolling to learn more about Danielle and what inspires her!


What got you to start your platform? 

Being a stay at home mom and feel lonely at times. Trying to find a community with your same interest isn’t always local. I was excited to connect with other like minded mamas!

Who are your biggest motivators and inspirations? 

My kids, they encourage me to do more and do better for them. At the end of the day knowing that we all gave it our best is my favorite way to end it. 

How do you come up with content and blog ideas?  

Sharing life experience that my family and I do is one of my favorite content to create. It’s raw, it’s real and it’s the honest truth.  My other favorite is creating what people want to see, straight to the point. Some times my blog might be short and simple but can be the exactly what someone maybe be looking for without digging too deep. 

What is your favorite part about being a mom?

Being a mom is life’s greatest joy. Not only am I blessed to watching them individually grow into incredible humans but I get to know that I played a part in that. And I get to share their daily life as their best friend.  

Favorite hobbies with/without your kids?

My favorite hobbies with my kids would have to be Crafts with my girls. They love to explore through play and let imagination create masterpiece. As for my boys,  my eldest and I love to cook, and my other son is my movie binge partner lol. 

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