Meet the Spring '21 Interns!

Yoobi interns are always up for a challenge!

This spring semester, Yoobi took on 3 interns to join the Marketing Team. You've probably seen their work on our Instagram and TikTok accounts, but we invite you to learn more about them! 


Millie Bryant - Social Media Intern - junior at Oklahoma State University studying Strategic Communications


Q: What is it like interning from home?
A: Definitely interesting! I think it's a really cool and unique opportunity that I get to work with Yoobi because otherwise I would never have the chance, being thousands of miles away and in school in-person right now. 
Q: What does a typical day interning at Yoobi look like?
A: Every day is a new and fun adventure in this internship, I have constantly been learning new things and being challenged which has been awesome. I usually start with a meeting with my supervisors for content strategy, then get to work on the tasks they've given me for the day like community management, content creation, blog writing, etc. 
Q: What do you like to do on your day off?
A: I usually spend the free time I do have right now either relaxing with friends or getting ahead on some homework. I've been trying to read more lately instead of scrolling through TikTok 😉.
Q: What has been your favorite college class and why?
A: This semester I took Social Media Management and that has to be my favorite because I was able to create a social media and marketing campaign entirely on my own and present it to a real-life client! 
Q: Any advice for those who are applying to internships?
A: Be yourself, be confident, and don't get discouraged. 
Q: What's your favorite Yoobi product?
A: I'd have to say my favorite is the set of matte gel pens! I use them every day to color code my planner because the colors are so bright and fun. 
Yoana Petrinska - Brand Marketing Intern - a sophomore at  University of Minnesota Twin Cities majoring in Marketing and minoring in Data Analytics & MIS 
Q: What is it like interning from home?
A: I love interning from home because I wouldn’t have been able to work with this team otherwise!! It’s fun to go to work while wearing PJ bottoms and it’s allowed me to really create and stick to my own schedule.
Q: What does a typical day interning at Yoobi look like?
A: I start off any typical day by opening up Slack & Outlook and catching up on any messages or emails I have. I’ll then jump into my tasks for the week which can be anything from updating information on new products, to analyzing the outcomes of recent marketing campaigns on MikMak, to researching give back brands and their strategy. Around 10 am I usually take a 10 minute break, make a snack and then get back to work! I’ll usually have a zoom call with Haley to give her any updates and get any feedback. By 1pm I’m all wrapped up and usually preparing for my first class of the day.
Q: What do you like to do on your day off?
A: On my days off I’m usually working at Starbucks, spending time with my roommates or working on my treasurer duties for my sorority. My roommates and I have a movie/tv night at least once a week! If the bachelor is airing it’ll usually be Mondays but if not it’s usually a Hallmark movie or some weird documentary on Thursdays.
Q: What has been your favorite college class and why?
A: My favorite college class has been Market Research which I just finished taking! The insights that you can gain from asking people the right questions has been fascinating to me. I also got to create and send out a survey, that was filled out by approximately 200 people. It was such an interesting learning experience to get to work with that data and pull recommendations from it. It has felt like the most applicable class in college so far.
Q: Any advice for those who are applying to internships?
A: My best tip for applying to internships is carving out time in your daily schedule to work on applications. Looking for openings, writing cover letters and scheduling interviews can be overwhelming and time consuming. Taking an hour every day can make the whole process much less scary and daunting. Also don’t stress too much about how much experience you have. You are likely still in college, so you are still learning and companies will recognize that.
Q: What's your favorite Yoobi product?
My favorite Yoobi product is the weekly calendar notepad. It allows me to have a quick glance at my whole week and gets my brain back to thinking big picture.
Olivia Yamron - Social Media Intern - a junior at Loyola Marymount University, studying Marketing
Q: What is it like interning from home?
A: Interning from home has a lot of unique components. One advantage is having the creative freedom to make content in the comfort of your own home!
Q: What does a typical day interning at Yoobi look like?
A: A typical day interning at Yoobi consists of checking different tasks that need to be completed, creating content, attending meetings, and having a ton of fun!
Q: What do you like to do on your day off?
A: On my day off you will probably find me in the kitchen trying out new recipes. I love to cook and share meals with others!
Q: What has been your favorite college class and why?
A: My favorite college class was International Business. I took this course amid the pandemic, and it was extremely insightful getting to learn about business on a global scale!
Q: Any advice for those who are applying to internships?
A: My advice to those who are applying to internships would be to trust in your skills and abilities and don't be afraid to try something out of your comfort zone. You might end up enjoying the experience way more than you initially thought.
Q: What's your favorite Yoobi product?
A: My favorite Yoobi product must be the mini gel pens! I always have these pens with me wherever I go, and they are perfect for filling out my planner!

Interested in applying for an internship here at Yoobi? Please email us with a copy of your resume to