Let's Get Away! How to Plan the Perfect Spring Break Trip
Spring break is fast approaching and getting us thinking about planning the perfect trip. Whether you’re traveling with friends, family or significant other, the following tips ring true!
First, pick a spot your entire group can agree on! If picking a vacation destination is anything like choosing a place to eat, this might be the hardest part of your spring break planning. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered with a plan! Keep things fun and fair by making a destination spin wheel. All you have to do is collectively come up with a few places to go and let fate take the wheel. Fingers crossed it lands on Cabo!
Once you’ve chosen your destination, it’s time to enjoy the journey and buckle in! If you’re driving, throw your weekend bag in the back, enjoy the car snacks and assign a DJ. Hours in the car may seem daunting, but our activity book has over 100 pages of fun that's perfect for both kiddos and adults!
The best way to have a stress free vacation is to make sure you spent the time planning daily activities and creating an organized travel itinerary before your journey. Use the tabs of any index card organizer to separate things like receipts, travel documents, day plans, and hotel keys. By keeping things organized, you can stay stress-free and focus more on the fun! We encourage you to unplug, live in the moment and enjoy your time this spring break—safe travels, Yoobi friends!