Say it with us, BLOCK SCHEDULING!
Having a hard time staying on track? Or looking for a fun way to be off the grid? Well, then it’s time you create a block schedule! It’s fun AND easy to create these simple schedules yourself just follow these steps on how you can make your own!
What’s a block schedule you ask? Well, by definition it’s the practice of planning out every moment of your day in advance and dedicating specific time blocks for certain tasks and responsibilities.
You’ll want to do a quick supplies check before you get started! We also made it a little bit easier with our printable block schedule sheets.
Now let’s get to it..
For all you visual learners, check out this video to see how to create a block schedule step by step!
WA-LA! Just like that you have your very own block schedule! Show us your schedule by using @yoobi and #yoobiathome – we would love to see what you create!