Spring Arts & Craft Activity for Kids

Spring Arts & Craft Activity for Kids

Make springtime, anytime! Bring the outdoors, indoor. We’ve got some cute and crafty ways for you to keep your kids happy, creative and imaginative at home.



Let’s get started!


What you’ll need:

  • Construction paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Popsicle sticks (6)
  • Markers (multicolor)
  • Fine tip marker or pen
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun


Here we go!


Step 1: Grab construction paper and cut out:

  • a cloud shape,
  • a strip of paper measuring 2” x 5”,
  • a strip of paper measuring 2” x 4”,
  • a triangle bunny nose
  • a set of long bunny ears, and
  • two small circles for bunny feet.


Step 2: Roll your 2” x 4” strip of paper and attach the 2” ends to create a cylinder shape. Complete the same for your 2” x 5” strip of paper. Next, attach the two cylinders together, one on top of the other. The smaller cylinder will be your bunny’s head and the larger cylinder will be your bunny’s body.


Step 3: Attach your bunny’s ears, feet, googly eyes and nose. Then, draw on your bunny’s mouth with a fine tip marker or pen (you can even add whiskers if you’d like!).


Step 4: Use multicolor markers to color each popsicle stick a different color. You can choose the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Or choose a color combination that you love!


Step 5: Next, attach googly eyes to the center area of your cloud shape. Don’t forget to draw on a smile! Then attach your colorful popsicle sticks to the bottom portion of the cloud.



You’ve just created the cutest springtime characters to role play with! Now, create a story that illustrates the friendship between your cloud and bunny friends and act it out.



The fun never ends! Share your wonderful creations with us on Instagram and tag @yoobi!

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