How to Support Teachers of LAUSD During the Strike

How to Support Teachers of LAUSD During the Strike

Today, teachers in Los Angeles Unified School District go on strike for the first time in 30 years. More than 32,000 teachers are drawing light into important issues facing public education such as lowering class sizes, improving school safety, and proper staffing. 

These strikes remind us that quality education for all children is always the right choice. To us at Yoobi, there’s no doubt about it – an educated youth is what will propel our communities and our nation forward.

And while we recognize there are many perspectives and approaches to ensure that a quality education is provided to the youth nationwide, we think we can all agree that students and teachers deserve our most intentional and generous support. 

So today, as teachers in LAUSD walk to make their needs and the needs of their students heard, we without hesitation stand up in solidarity with teacher, parent, student, and district, in the hopes that solutions brought to the table are in the best interest of bright futures for this country’s youth.

What can you do? How can you get involved in supporting teachers in your community? We’ve cooked up a few ideas for you to support teachers in your community in 2019… take a peek!


Join a PTA/PTO or other parent organization. Help in the library. Creating great schools is a team effort, and parents and community leaders must play active roles in uplifting schools and ensuring their needs are met.


Contact your local congressman or city council member and demand that schools and education be a top priority.


If you’re a student, work with your service club to identify a local school that could use support. Set up a tutoring or service team to help kids learn, paint murals, plant gardens.


As a consumer, you have tremendous power. Support brands that give back to schools, like Yoobi.


Take the time to recognize a teacher at a moment that he or she least expects. A note of gratitude, a supply bundle gift, or a little flower bouquet for their desk – it really doesn’t matter. Small gestures can go a long way.


For more information on how we give and for access to free resources that can help your classroom, sign up for our newsletter Toucan Times here.

Support teachers of LAUSD during the teachers' strike.

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