DIY: Unicorns Forever Mason Jar

DIY: Unicorns Forever Mason Jar

If you’re all about glitter and unicorns like we are, you’ll definitely want a supply cup to match your brand new Yoobi Unicorn Paint Brushes! (Now available at Target and!)



Let’s jump right in and get started!


What you’ll need:

  • An empty jar
  • Paint
  • Permanent marker
  • Glitter
  • Foam sheets
  • Hot glue gun


Step 1: Start with an empty jar. If you don’t have a traditional Mason Jar, look for leftover jars from pasta sauce, pickles, or jelly. Just be sure to wash your jar and remove any labels before you begin.



Step 2: Choose your unicorn’s color! Apply a thin, even layer of paint to the jar and let it dry for about 20 minutes. Once your first coat is dry, apply a second layer (if needed) and let your second layer dry for 20 minutes.


Step 3: Time for your finishing touches! This is where you’ll decide what you want your unicorn to look like. You might even decide to give him or her a name! Lashes? Check. Flower Crown? A MUST. Glitter Ears? Yes please! Pink Unicorn Horn? Wouldn’t have it any other way! (Psst..learn how to make flowers from foam sheets here.)



You now have a brand new unicorn friend 🦄 ✨

Wishing you many magical arts & craft adventures to come! 





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