Yoobi Changemaker: Adelaine Morin
Yoobi Changemaker: Adelaine Morin
This holiday season, Yoobi launched exclusive holiday bundles with Adelaine Morin. Adelaine, born and raised in Canada, is best known for her fashion and beauty videos on her self-titled YouTube channel. Her animated online personality has captivated millions of fans, but what we think is super special about our Yoobi BFF is her "Girls Supporting Girls" movement. We love that she motivates her fans daily to share her passion for girl empowerment and giving back.
We chatted with Adelaine on who she looks up to, what motivates her every day to be a changemaker, and what she wants young women to know that can better impact and empower their lives.
Tell us about how you give back and strive to make change for girls
One of my main goals, since I was little, was to start my own charity to give back to girls. You won’t believe this but I would actually pretend to interview myself about my charity, hold a pencil as a mic and pretend I was recording on the tv. Little did I know that years later, I would start my own girls supporting girls clothing line where a portion of every sale would go towards non-profit organizations supporting girls. I’ve been doing this since June of last year and have been trying to regularly donate my unused PR makeup to women’s shelters.
What moment in your life helped shape you and why you give back?
A moment in my life that shaped me was meeting the women that inspire me. When I was in high school, the three women that empowered me were Bethany Mota, Liza Koshy, Charis Lincoln, and Ariana Grande. Meeting these women that inspired me and seeing how kindly they treat their fans and the positivity they give off made me realize, “Hey, no matter how rich, famous or powerful you are, we are all human and the most successful women I find are easy to work with and rather than seeing other women as competition, they raise them and empower them.”
Who is your role model? Why?
My role model is Ariana Grande. I’m not only a fan of her music, but also her grind, and giving and kind mannerisms towards her fans. I really admire how hard working she is; constantly releasing music, high-quality music videos, merch, perfume, posting on social media, keeping her fans engaged, and touring around the world. Her hard work and dedication towards her job are very apparent. Something else that also stood out to me was her “One Love Manchester” concert. I noticed how much she loves and appreciates her fans by visiting them at the hospital, having another concert for Manchester, and donating the proceeds to the families affected by the bombing that happened. I would love to have the same grind and caring heart that she has, and that’s why I look up to her.
What's your favorite type of volunteering or change-making activity?
An annual event that my family and I go to every year is the Ovarian Cancer Run for Hope. My grandma passed away from ovarian cancer, so raising money and walking/running for her is something that is near and dear to my heart. Cancer sucks and I hope one day we are able to find a cure.
There are young women reading this blog post, what do you want to tell them right now?
One thing that I always tell my girlfriends, mom, sister, cousins, etc. is to watch “The Secret” on Netflix. I love the documentary and the meaning behind the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. I’ve been applying it to my life since high school and it has helped me become a more confident, happy and empowered woman. Another piece of advice that I read online is that happiness is made up of 3 things:
1) Relationships with friends and family
2) A job or hobby/past time that you genuinely enjoy
3) Helping others.