Yoobi Changemaker: Khloe Kares
Yoobi believes that changing the world has nothing to do with your age, or how tall you are. Making the world a better place is something that we all can do, and our next Yoobi Changemaker lives and breathes a can-do attitude. She’s already impacted thousands of people with her own non-profit where she packs and distributes “Kare Bags” to homeless women and men across the United States, and we hope her story can inspire more young people to get started today. It all comes back to the question, #WhoWillYoobi? We hope you’ll be the next Yoobi Changemaker like our girl, Khloe Kares.
Tell us about the very first time you ever volunteered.
Khloe: The first time I volunteered was when I was about 7. I went to an event where I got to sort clothing, make sack lunches, make cards and hygiene kits. These items were then distributed to support homeless men and women in shelters. I was hooked.
Tell us how you got started so other kids can be changemakers like you!
Khloe: I would first say, start with a plan. You have to write out your idea and put a plan in action. I told my parents that I wanted to help the homeless. I put together a whole plan and presented it to them. Then I put it out on social media. I opened up a GoFundMe to raise the funds that I needed to get started. Some people already have the money to get started but my family didn’t so I had to figure out another way to raise money. I want other kids to know that you don’t have to have a lot of money to start your dreams. Just do it.
What’s the best piece of advice or inspiration you ever received?
Khloe: The last time I passed out my Kare Bags in Los Angeles, this lady was on the streets said, “Don’t ever let anyone take your glow away.” And I think that’s the best piece of advice.
Who is your role model and why?
Khloe: I have two. One is Malala, she fought for girls’ rights for education. After I read her book I was so inspired by her bravery. She stood up to so many people to just make sure girls have the same education as boys do. And Monique Coleman is my other one. She is the grown-up version of me. She’s such a great speaker, storyteller and she loves empowering other young people. I watch a lot of her speeches and she inspires so many kids.
#WhoWillYoobi when you grow up?
Khloe: I want to inspire other kids. I want other kids to know that all dreams are possible. As long as you make a plan and you believe in yourself, that’s all you need. Don’t let your age stop you from doing what you want to do.