It's Morphin' Time at a Yoobi Give!
Photos from Getty Images
At Yoobi, we believe that inside of every kid are superpowers that are just waiting to be discovered and shared with the rest of the world. For some kids, their superpower is the power of healing. They just need the tools and education to become doctors in order to unlock their healing gifts. For others, their superpower is flying or teaching (we definitely think that’s a superpower!) which kids too can unlock with the right tools and education, as they become tomorrow’s pilots and teachers.
This past Friday, the Yoobi team visited 116th Street Elementary in South Los Angeles to deliver awesome school supplies to every student at the school. But this time, Team Yoobi brought back up. They say, “it takes one to know one”, so who better to bring out the superpowers in kids than the POWER RANGERS! That’s right! Yoobi was joined by the 5 Power Rangers from the recent Power Rangers Movie, who together inspired the kids to discover their very own superpowers.
Left to right: Ludi Lin (The Black Ranger), Becky G (The Yellow Ranger), Dacre Montgomery (The Red Ranger), Naomi Scott (The Pink Ranger), RJ Cyler (The Blue Ranger).
After hosting a jaw-dropping assembly, the Rangers went into classrooms to open Yoobi Classroom Packs with the kids and explain how there is a hero inside of each and every one of them. Now, every student at 116th Street Elementary School has the tools to discover what those powers are. We playfully called the supplies the kids were receiving, their “power tools” (i.e. the tools that would enable them unlock their superpowers). Sure makes you look at a pencil, eraser, or marker in a whole new light, doesn’t it! Needless to say, the kids were blown away by their surprise of school supplies and super heroes on what otherwise would have been any other Friday in South LA.
“Your dreams start with a pencil and paper.” – The Power Rangers
While the Power Rangers can’t be with us for every Yoobi give, we believe the message they sent can be – that with the right tools, support and love, the power to change the world exists in each one of us. That is why at Yoobi, we will continue to do everything we can to ensure that we are providing as many kids in need with their own sets of “power tools” as possible. Stay tuned next month for one of our biggest, most exciting announcements to date for LA-based schools…
To the Super Hero in all of us…It’s a great day to give.
Justin Wolff