Yoobi Mini Masters: Tips & Tricks to Get the Most out of Your Reading

Yoobi Mini Masters: Tips & Tricks to Get the Most out of Your Reading

No new books on hand? No problem! Learn fun new activities to pair with reading that will help you gain a fresh perspective and share your thinking with these tips and tricks from Elementary Teacher, Mr. G. You can rewatch his Yoobi Mini Masters class here.



Why Reread?

  • Comfort and Joy
    • Find happiness in rereading the books you love!
  • Books don’t change, but you do!
    • Jump into a book with a different perspective. When you grow older, you look at those same stories in a totally different way. 
  • Discover something new!
    • Just like re-watching a movie or a play, even the best readers don’t catch everything on the first read. Find little hints and moments you didn’t notice before!
  • Deepen your understanding
    • The more you read, the more fluent you become with the text. Practice is how you become a stronger and more confident reader, which can also translate into stronger writing skills. 


Helpful Supplies:


Rereading Activities:

Download fun activity worksheets here!


  • Talk about your reading
    • Fill a basket with slips of paper containing questions about the book you’ve just read. Pull out the cards for a fun and engaging conversation. 
  • Make a ‘before & after’ chart
    • On the “before” side, have your reader write down everything they felt after their first time reading the book. These could be ideas on what they liked, didn’t like, or what they wish they could change. 
    • On the “after” side, they will jot down the things they discovered from rereading and any new feelings they may have.
      • Tip: for fussy writers, swap out the pen and pencil for some markers and crayons!
  • Create a thought-bubble diagram
    • While you’re reading, fill your notebook with thought bubbles and jot in notes or pictures inside. Doodle pictures, copy quotes, and look back on your notes in a fun, cartoon-like way. 


Tune into #YoobiMiniMasters every Wednesday on Yoobi’s Instagram (@Yoobi) for more live fun at-home crafts and lessons!

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