Yoobi Supports You, Our Nation’s Teachers

Yoobi Supports You, Our Nation’s Teachers

Every day, when teachers step into their classrooms, they do so much more than educate. They inspire. They encourage. They support. Many students in the U.S. look to school as a place where a fresh meal is served, where they will receive care and attention, and where learning, creating and exploring is their daily highlight.

Recently, we witnessed tens of thousands of teachers from across the U.S. march to demand better pay, more support for their classrooms and resources for their kids. If anyone understands what’s needed to elevate our students and schools, it’s teachers. At Yoobi, we believe that textbooks should not be older than the kids they’re meant to educate; we believe that every student should have fundamental school supplies to learn; and we believe that we should respect our teachers and trust them to help shape our schools and classrooms to be the kind of places we can all be proud of.

A strong education system and equal access to learning is something that we can all support. Our children deserve it, our schools need it and our country depends on it. Here are some great ways to support teachers in your community:

  • VOLUNTEER: Join a PTA/PTO or other parent organization. Help in the library. Creating great schools is a team effort, and parents and community leaders must play active roles in uplifting schools and ensuring their needs are met.
  • MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: Contact your local congressman or city council member and demand that schools and education be a top priority.
  • JOIN A SERVICE CLUB: If you’re a student, work with your service club to identify a local school that could use support. Set up a tutoring or service team to help kids learn, paint murals, plant gardens.
  • BE A THOUGHTFUL CONSUMER: As a consumer, you have tremendous power. Support brands that give back to schools like Yoobi.
  • BE KIND: Take the time to recognize a teacher at a moment that he or she least expects. A note of gratitude, a supply bundle gift, or a little flower bouquet for their desk – it really doesn’t matter. Small gestures can go a long way.
FOR ALL OUR TEACHERS OUT THERE: we love and support you! We know that you give so much to your students in order for them to have a shot at successful learning, and since day one, Yoobi has committed to donating a free school supply for every item we sell. For more information on how we give and for access to free resources that can help your classroom, sign up for our newsletter Toucan Times here.


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