Yoobi Thanks Teachers for a School Year of Changing Lives
Dear Teacher,
On behalf of all of us at Yoobi, we want to say thanks and congratulations on a school year successfully completed!
At Yoobi, we know a teacher’s day doesn’t end when the closing bell rings. Nor is a teacher’s role limited to the subjects you teach. You are so much more than that. Throughout this year, you gave your kids a sense of belonging. You snuck an alarm clock into one of your kids’ backpacks while no one was looking, because that student had too much to lose by not showing up. You bought meals and brought snacks, so no student went hungry and all students had the energy to learn. You told that student that they were loved and that they mattered, when words like that were not spoken at home.
But more than that, you put your heart into your job. Every. Single. Day. It was never about a salary. It was always about making a difference. In so many cases, studies have shown that in low income communities, students are more influenced by their teachers than by their parents. So when you decided to become a teacher, even though it wasn’t in the job description, you took on a role that went far beyond the classroom walls.
We want you to know that we see you. We see what you do, and the impact you have in shaping the future of every kid that enters your classroom. Our supplies give you the tools to help your kids discover themselves, to create things, and to learn about the world around them. However, all the supplies in the world wouldn’t make a difference, without an incredible teacher to back them up.
As this school year comes to a close, we at Yoobi want you to know how much we love you, appreciate you, and how grateful we are to you for all the roles you play – teacher, friend, parent, motivator, cheerleader, role model.
Have an incredible summer and we look forward to being there for you next year, and for many years to come.
It’s a good day to give,
Justin Wolff
Chief Giving Officer