Thanks a Million!
Saturday we celebrated Teacher Appreciation week with 1,000 Minneapolis teachers! Yoobi was able to participate in the first ever "Thanks a Million" Teacher event hosted by our give partner Kids In Need Foundation. The event took place at KINF home base of Minneapolis, MN.
We were even lucky enough to have a couple of Yoobi team members there in person to help facilitate the teacher focused school supply drive. The event was created to be able to provide 1,000 Twin Cities registered teachers with $1,000+ in gifts and school supplies. All of the attending teachers teach in schools with a student enrollment of 50% or more enrolled in the National School Lunch Program.
Dawn, COO and Bree, Sr. Director of PD holding down the fort at the Thanks a Million event.
Yoobi was able to donate 4,000 supplies for the teachers attending the event.
We feel so honored to be able to help provide our deserving teachers with the supplies needed to fight the good fight for the next generation! Even though last week was the official week for teacher appreciation, here at Yoobi we like to celebrate our teachers everyday which is why for every item you buy, Yoobi GIVES!