Yoobi Holiday DIY: Turkey Pinecones

Yoobi Holiday DIY: Turkey Pinecones

Here at Yoobi, we are grateful for all the wonderful people like YOU who make our mission and values possible. From family to friends, Thanksgiving is the holiday that highlights the wonderful things we have in life. Our Turkey Pinecone DIY allows you and kiddos to never have a dull moment in or out of the classroom. This is an easy craft project for kids that can be combined with some outdoor fun. Have the kiddos go outside and pick their very-own pinecone to use! It’s an opportunity to teach them about nature and Fall leaves. 


Here are five steps to create your very own Turkey Pinecone that will have you gobbling for more!

 What you’ll need

    1. Pinecones
    2. Glue
    3. Scissors
    4. Craft Chest (i.e. googly eyes, felt shapes, etc.)
    5. Glitter

Step #1: Materials

Gather all your materials: pinecones, glue, scissors, googly eyes, and craft decorations.

Step #2: Cut Shapes

Using your scissors, cut out all the features of the turkey: feathers, beak, and head. Set aside.

Step #3: Glue Googly Eyes

Glue googly eyes on the circle cutout to give your turkey head some personality! Once the eyes are applied, the remaining steps are easy-peasy.

Step #4: Glue the Rest onto Turkey

Glue each feature of the turkey, including its tailfeather, and press firmly on to the pinecone. Let dry.

Step #5: Decorate as Desired

Add any decorations to personalize your turkey!

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