Each 4th Saturday of October, Make A Difference Day is celebrated annually to bring awareness about how impactful our actions could be. When we start with little acts of kindness in our everyday lives, eventually the goodness spreads and inspires others too.
Yoobi has positively impacted many lives and below is a short testimonial from Luis Heckmüller, an instructional director from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
"On behalf of the many schools in Watts and South Central that Yoobi has made a contribution to, we are extremely grateful! Your donation during these difficult times enabled us to distribute supplies to students that need home tools for learning. Your generosity has positively impacted the life of our students and community as well. Your bright and colorful resources assist in keeping our students engaged and excited about school and learning. Community partnership is such an important part of the success of our youth and your support and diligence to make a difference in our community is greatly appreciated." - Luis Heckmüller
Read more of how Yoobi has impacted teachers' lives below!
“Receiving these items helps to relieve some of the stress off of myself, my students, and parents. If students don’t have supplies, I can always pull something from the Yoobi boxes to give to students.”
“The Yoobi pencil boxes and supply boxes have been a lifesaver. I was able to make learning supply bags for each student to pick up to start us off with equitable learning opportunities this January.”
"The Yoobi supplies are a Godsend to our students. Most of them need these supplies to get the year started. As a teacher I don't know what I would do to help them, without the support of our Teacher Resource Center!"
“I could not supply 20 plus Kindergarteners! Thank You Yoobi!”
“They [students] loved the Yoobi boxes! They enjoy using the highlighters and other materials such as cute colorful folders to organize their notes.”
"My students have the materials needed and I didn't have to buy them. I especially appreciate the Yoobi whole class supply box. It is hugely valuable to me!"
"Access to free school supplies levels the field in my classroom and all students are excited to receive supplies that they can use at home, such as the Yoobi supplies, for extra practice opportunities at home."
"It has really helped supplement how many materials I need to buy for students. Especially when we get a Yoobi box. That is probably my favorite supply I get from the teacher resource center!"